Little is being done to prevent the sexual exploitation of Solomon Islanders by foreign logging workers in Malaita province, a new report reveals.
Logging tracks run like scars across the face of a tropical rainforest on Malaita in Solomon Islands. Photo: Photo supplied/Edgar Pollard - Patrick Pikacha - Felix Naitoro
WorldFish published the report, titled 'From happy hour to hungry hour', which looked at the impacts of logging on food security, fisheries and well-being in Malaita.
It found in almost all cases, loggers provided monetary or food support for locals until their contract was up.
WorldFish Solomon Islands spokesperson, Delvene Boso, said the report also showed girls as young as 12 were being exploited.
"The perception is that logging contributes to the economy and contributes to the community but this report says 'yes, there is that benefit at the start but also lots of other unintended consequences that happen and conflicts that happen and the benefits don't last'," Ms Boso said.
In Malaita, any child who has a foreign father is not eligible to inherit primary land rights.
Despite the unsustainable nature of logging and increasing awareness of its social impacts, log exports have steadily increased over the past decade.