22 Nov 2018

Solomons' MP, facing charges, gets free medical care overseas

12:24 pm on 22 November 2018

As the Solomon Islands medical sector struggles with drug and funding shortages, an MP facing criminal charges is being funded by the taxpayer to seek medical help in Australia.

Doctor in hospital corridor

Photo: 123rf

The MP for Savo/Russells, Dickson Mua, is travelling to Australia today.

The Solomon Star reports the Honiara Magistrate's Court gave Mr Mua permission to vary his bail travel conditions so he could travel out of the country.

He is facing a charge of misusing a shipping grant worth more than $US374,000, which he received in 2013 purportedly to buy a ship for his constituency.

Under the rules of the Parliamentary Entitlement Commission all MPs are entitled to medical treatment overseas.