Students from Stockbridge High School in Michigan and their science teacher have been interacting with American Samoa high school students at the first Underwater Robotics workshop in American Samoa.
Photo: Facebook/ Stockbridge InvenTeam i
The visiting students and their teacher Bob Richards built an underwater remotely operated vehicle which they have been demonstrating.
The capabilities of the robot have been proven with Mr Richards saying it has helped recover the bodies of US servicemen lost in plane crashes in Palau during World War II.
"We helped find three airplanes with MIAs [missing in action] associated with them. [They] are just now being returned to their families with the help of Project Recover and the Bentprop Project, we worked with them.
"We have a facebook page called the Stockbridge InvenTeam, and you could also go the Project Recover. It's really Project Recover that's done all the work and we just assisted them in searching for these MIAs."