11 Feb 2019

American Samoa drops case against Luatua

1:05 pm on 11 February 2019

The High Court in Pago Pago has dismissed without prejudice the case against the former Director of the American Samoa Government Employees Retirement Fund Luatua Filisouaina Taafua.

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The dismissal was based on a motion filed by the Assistant Attorney General Robert Morris to continue the case which was set to go to trial next Monday or in the alternative dismiss it without prejudice.

The charges stemmed from an audit and an investigation showing evidence that Luatua allegedly misappropriated about $US112,000 that belonged to the Fund for his personal use.

Luatua's Attorney, Gwen Tauiliili Langkilde said she appreciates that the case has been dismissed.

She said her client always maintained his innocence.