Dengue type 2 diagnosed in Tahiti

5:16 am on 13 February 2019
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Photo: 123RF

A health alert has been issued in French Polynesia after one case of dengue type two was diagnosed.

A man who had arrived from New Caledonia has come down with the mosquito-borne illness in Mahina.

He has been transferred to the main hospital in Tahiti.

The neighbourhood of Mahina he stayed in is being sprayed in the hope of eliminating mosquitoes which could transmit the virus.

French Polynesia has been spared a dengue type 2 epidemic for about two decades which means that the public has low immunity to the disease.

Last year, two cases were diagnosed in Raiatea but the outbreak was contained.

dengue warning in French Polynesia

dengue warning in French Polynesia Photo: supplied

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