PNG not getting enough return for its health spending

4:59 pm on 17 June 2019

A new report says transparency and accountability is needed to help Papua New Guinea get a better return for its health spending.

Rose (mother) and toddler in the treatment room at Susa Mama health clinic, Port Moresby General Hospital, PNG

Photo: Ness Kerson/madNESS Photography for AusAID

The Asian Development Bank report looks at the complexity of healthcare, with 8.5 million people spread over a geographically difficult area.

ADB health specialist, Inez Mikkelsen-Lopez, said Papua New Guinea spends a considerable amount on health but it is not seeing better outcomes.

Ms Mikkelsen-Lopez said the report outlined ten recommendations to help reverse a downward trend.

"And they vary from recommendations that are within the health sector's mandate and within the power of the health sector. And others that are more across the government agencies or finance and treasury."

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