2 Jul 2019

Families want bodies of US couple released by Fiji authorities

12:28 pm on 2 July 2019

The bodies of Texas couple David and Michelle Paul are set to return home amid concerns raised by their families at why the Fijian authorities have not released the pair.

American couple Michelle and David Paul died in Fiji while holidaying.

American couple Michelle and David Paul died in Fiji while holidaying. Photo: Supplied

The Pauls were on holiday when they died suddenly in Nadi in May.

Michelle's father Marc Canalog told the Fiji Times there was no point continuing to hold the bodies since Fiji did not have the capacity to carry out any further tests.

He said there were forensic experts in the US who could do the tests.

Police spokeswoman Ana Naisoro said the bodies had already been prepared to be released to a US funeral service.

Mr Canalog said the families wanted the pair returned so they could lay them to rest.

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