Kaveh Zahedi. Photo: Twitter / ESCAP
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP, says on its current trajectory Asia and the Pacific will not achieve any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
The goals are designed to improve health and welfare, reduce inequality, spur economic growth and protect the environment.
ESCAP is presenting details from its Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2019 on progress in achieving the goals over the next six days at what is called the High-Level Political Forum in New York.
ESCAP's deputy executive secretary, Kaveh Zahedi, said the region's making some progress in areas such as reducing maternal and neo-natal deaths and improving access to telecommunications.
"But at the same the Pacific, yes, is also moving in the wrong direction when it comes to zero hunger, when it comes to decent work and economic growth, when it comes to peace, justice and strong institutions, and when it comes life below water. So really, it's got a mixed picture just like the rest of the Asia-Pacific," he said.
Kaveh Zahedi said the report showed where the Asia/Pacific needed to focus its energies.