The Fiji consumer council has expressed concern at an increase in the sale of expired medicines in the country.
Seema Shandil. Photo: Fiji Consumer Council
In a statement released on Wednesday, the chief executive of the council, Seema Shandil, said the latest incident involved a pharmacy in the Nasinu municipality selling contraceptives which expired in 2013.
Upon closer examination the products were found to have been tampered with and their expiry dates altered.
The serious offence has been referred to the Pharmaceutical Board for further action, Ms Shandil said.
The consumer council is urging the public to pay close attention to the expiry dates on all products being sold in Fiji.
Consumers who come across products being sold that are past their expiry date or that look like they have been tampered with are encouraged to report to the council.
The local toll free consumer helpline is 155 and complaints can also be emailed to the council.