PNG wants half of Australia aid to go to budget

10:57 am on 27 August 2019

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister says he wants Australia to put half of its aid towards budget support.

Marise Payne and James Marape.

Marise Payne and James Marape. Photo: PNG Govt

James Marape, who met with Australia's Foreign Minister Marise Payne on Monday, said he's also seeking assistance to refinance PNG's debt.

Australia provides about $US350 million in aid to PNG each year, which mostly goes into development projects there.

But with a burgeoning $US8 billion in public debt, Mr Marape said he wants half or a quarter of Australia's contribution to go towards PNG's annual budget.

The Australian newspaper reported Mr Marape saying he would also ask other countries or loan facilities to refinance PNG's debt portfolio.