French Polynesian court releases sex offenders pending appeal

4:51 pm on 25 September 2019

The appeal court in French Polynesia has freed two sex offenders pending their appeal case due to be heard in January.

Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept, court

Photo: ikiryo/123RF

They were among 10 people imprisoned earlier this month over a racket involving child prostitution and drug dealing.

Thierry Barbion was imprisoned for four years after the court concluded that he gave money to his former partner, Sabine Boiron, to get access to minors.

A former nightclub manager, Marc Ramel, was also given a four-year prison term for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in exchange for drugs.

Boiron, who was jailed for seven years, failed in her bid to be released from prison.