9 Nov 2019

Bougainville militants commit to implement Peace Agreement

11:54 am on 9 November 2019

Former various militant groups on Bougainville, now known as the Bougainville Veterans, have pledged with Papua New Guinea security forces to implement the Bougainville Peace Agreement.

That comes just weeks before the agreement's final expression, Bougainvlle's referendum on possible independence from PNG.

Ishmael Toroama speaking at PNG think-tank, The National Research Institute.

Ishmael Toroama speaking at PNG think-tank, The National Research Institute. Photo: The National Research Institute

The groups signed a 'Statement of Commitment' at the end of a three day reconciliation held at Kokopo in East New Britain earlier this week.

The veterans committed to uphold Melanesian values of brotherhood and said regardless of the outcome of the referendum, they will not resume any armed conflict.

The groups also assured both governments and the international community that they will continue to uphold the significance of the reconciliation ceremony and ensure that peace prevails.

The statement was jointly signed by the PNG Defence Force, represented by Chief of Staff Captain Philip Polewara, and Bougainville Veterans Leader, Ishmael Toroama.