A French court has ruled that Wallis and Futuna has to pay a telecommunications company $US3 million for failing to connect it to its network.
A French court has ruled that Wallis and Futuna has to pay a telecommunications company $US3 million for failing to connect it to its network.
Photo: Michael Runkel
The court found that Broadband Pacifique had been denied access despite the approval given in 2009 by the French administrator Philippe Paolantoni.
It concluded that in his role as prefect he failed to consult with Wallis and Futuna when he granted the company a five-year contract to offer phone and internet services.
Local provider SPT refused Broadband Pacifique to link up its 50 subscribers and the company subsequently sued the territory, which is responsible for its own telecommunications.
A former president of the assembly of Wallis and Futuna said the ruling was politically unfair as it was a severe blow to the territory's finances.
He said that might even mean the administration would be placed under direct control of Paris.
The Opposition said Wallis and Futuna should not have to pay for a mistake made by the French prefect.