4 Aug 2020

Success of Fiji rescue package is in tourist numbers: Narube

12:29 pm on 4 August 2020

Fiji's government has been told that the right measure of success for its Tourism Recovery Package lies in the number of tourists who get on a plane and come into the country.

Grounded planes in Fiji where the aviation sector is suffering with more than 41,000 tourism job losses

Photo: Lisa Williams

Last week, the government claimed that more than 140 hotels and properties had showed interest in its rescue package, provided in the 2020-2021 Budget which was passed in parliament.

Unity Party leader Savenaca Narube said "of course hoteliers will grab the package with both arms. Who wouldn't?"

But the former treasurer said the number of hotels that accepted the package would not be the measure of success for the recovery plan, and the government should know that.

"It's just propaganda. The right measure of success for the rescue package is the number of tourists that's attracted to Fiji and will get on a plane to come here. And we know that this will not happen any time soon.

"Tragically, our first coronavirus-related death has made sure of that."

Narube said the immediate solution to Fiji's economic situation did not lie overseas, but locally.

Savenaca Narube.

Savenaca Narube. Photo: Supplied/Unity Fiji Party

He said the government was giving money away at a time when many Fijian families were suffering and the government should have used the money to fund initiatives to grow local commodities for exports.

"This would have benefited ordinary farmers and resource owners which will create jobs and generate demand for businesses including wholesalers and retailers."

Narube said the impact of the government's incentives on tourist arrivals, jobs and the economy would not be effective.

"The government's propaganda machine is churning out a lot of fake news on the Budget such as this."

He said the Minister for the Economy had started to recall past measures the government had done which were irrelevant.

"The only thing that matters now is how we are going to get out of this most dangerous crisis in our lives," said Narube.