The Bougainville police chief, Francis Tokura, has suspended one officer for alleged foul play during the election.
Bougainville Police Commissioner, Francis Tokura Photo: The Bougainvillean
The Bougainville election, which started 12 days ago, is drawing to a close.
In a report in the Post Courier newspaper, Tokura didn't elaborate on what the allegations were, but he told the paper they were also investigating several other officers over election offence allegations.
He said Bougainville police had the mandated responsibility to support the Bougainville Electoral Commission as it conducted the election.
Tokura said if people had proper evidence of any foul play by officers they needed to come forward.
Earlier Bougainville's Electoral Commissioner had said the voting process had been peaceful despite allegations of foul play from some candidates.
George Manu indicated that some people had chosen to use social media to raise their concerns about the election instead of contacting the commission directly.
He also urged people with genuine complaints to come forward.