After the 15th elimination in the Bougainville presidential vote count Ishmael Toroama has established a lead of 10,800 votes.
In second place is the former Papua New Guinea MP and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Father Simon Dumarinu.
Ishmael Toroama speaking at PNG think-tank, The National Research Institute. Photo: The National Research Institute
Third is former Bougainville Chief Secretary Thomas Raivet, while Peter Tsiamalili, who had been the head of the PNG Sports Foundation, has moved into fourth.
Another former PNG MP and cabinet minister, Fidelis Semoso, is lying fifth.
To win the presidency the succesful candidate needs more than 50 percent of the vote, which in this election, now means 69,983.
Ishmael Toroama, who is a former commander of the Bourgainville Revolutionary Army, is currently on 33,642 votes and has been leading the presidential count since the early stages.