While Guam winds down some of its Covid-19 restrictions the island has recorded its 39th death from the virus.
The Pacific Daily News reports a 66-year-old man was the latest fatality.
He had underlying health conditions compounded by Covid and died on Thursday night at the Guam Memorial Hospital.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The Guam Governor, Lou Guerrero said Covid-19 is cold, ruthless, and painfully isolating.
"We all have to be frontliners to defeat this virus and we must do so at the community-level," she said.
Guam has moved today to a Safer at-Home advisory, but the governor said this doesn't mean people should become complacent and let their guards down.
It follows a Stay At Home order.
The change will include some businesses re-opening but to just 25 percent of their capacity, and non-contact sports resuming.