The Imperial Pacific casino has been been given a six-month extension for payment of $US20 million it owes the Northern Marianas government.
The Imperial Pacific Resort on Saipan. Photo: Supplied./ Mark Rabago
The Commonwealth Lottery Commission has agreed to the postponement due to a "force majeure," which referred to unforeseeable circumstances that prevented the fulfilment of a contract.
Under the postponement decision, the exclusive Saipan casino licensee has until 1 April 2021 to pay the community benefit funds.
While Imperial Pacific was able to secure a postponement in paying the fund, it wasn't able to secure amendments to nine other requests.
Those included the proposal to pay the $US15.5 million annual casino license fee it also owes in instalments.
Under that proposal, Imperial pacific would pay $7.75 million within 10 days of lottery commission approval to amend the casino license agreement, and pay the remaining $7.75 million on 12 February.