27 Oct 2020

Samoa Electoral Commission to face legal challenges by disqualified candidates

6:43 am on 27 October 2020
Laauli (middle) celebrates his not guilty verdict

Laauli (middle) celebrates his not guilty verdict Photo: RNZ Pacific / Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia

Samoa's Electoral Commission office will be facing legal challenges in court over the decision to disqualify some of the 2021 election candidates.

The Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi chairman and MP, Laauli Leuatea Polataivao, said four of his party's candidates would challenge their disqualification on the village service or monotaga and the 305-day residential requirements.

The chairman also revealed the party was preparing a challenge in court if the Parliamentary speaker would declare vacant two seats held by two independent MPs who registered their candidacy for next year's election under the F.A.S.T or Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi party.

200 candidates registered at the closing of nomination for the 2021 general election last Friday.

Top in the number of candidates is the ruling HRPP party with 114 but a change in the number of candidates for the F.A.S.T whom the Electoral Commission office has recorded 50 candidates last Friday but now stands at 49.