The budget proposed by the new Lemanu-Talauega administration is now before the American Samoa Fono for review.
Lemanu Palepoi Sialega Mauga and Talauega Eleasalo Ale were elected in November.
Their Fiscal Year 2021 budget mirrors the one that former Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga sent to the Fono last year.
It totals nearly $US466 million of which over $110 million is local revenue, nearly $135 million are federal grants, almost $211 million are Enterprise Funds and over $10 million are Capital Improvement Funds.
The newly elected governor and lieutenant governor of American Samoa Lemanu Palepoi Sialega Mauga (Right) and Talauega Eleasalo Ale. 4 November 2020 Photo: supplied
For the part of the budget that's funded with local revenues:
65.9 percent is for personnel costs; 19.9 percent for contractual services; 2.4 percent for materials and supplies; 1.1 percent for travel; 0.7 percent for equipment and 10 percent for other.
The proposed budget is 10 percent higher than the FY2020 approved budget.
It's the first time a Governor has proposed a budget in the first month of his tenure.
The reason is because former Governor Lolo did not sign into law the budget bill the last Fono approved.
Instead he issued an executive order to keep the government operating.
The American Samoa Legislature Fono building in Fagatogo Photo: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This expired before Governor Lemanu and Lieutenant Governor Talauega were sworn into office.
Governor Lemanu called the 37th legislature into a special session on 3 January, the same day took he office, and a continuing resolution to keep government opened and funded at the Fiscal Year 2020 budget level was introduced.
The House and Senate approved the resolution.
Our correspondent said this continuing resolution is in force until March or when an FY2021 budget law is signed.
American Samoa Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga Photo: American Samoa Govt