Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas' Islands governor Ralph DLG Torres says he has accepted he will eventually be impeached by the CNMI House of Representatives.
CNMI Governor Ralp DLG Torres. Photo: Office of the Governor of CNMI
Torres said the 20-seat house had the numbers to impeach him because 13 representatives have already signed the impeachment resolution, RNZ Pacific's CNMI correspondent reported.
However Torres was confident the impeachment proceedings would not go before the Senate.
The Democrat-controlled Judiciary and Governmental Operations Committee has been investigating Torres' use of public funds and travels.
Torres earlier said he would not be appearing before the committee because the Executive Branch, which he heads, was a separate and equal branch of government under the CNMI Constitution.
Earlier this week the House of Representatives committee held Torres in contempt after he failed to appear before the committee as commanded in a subpoena, but Torres has challenged that in court.
Committee chair Celina Babauta introduced House Resolution 22-14, impeaching Torres for alleged commission of felonies, corruption, and neglect of duty in violation of Article 3, Section 19 of the CNMI Constitution.
Benigno R Fitial was the first governor to be impeached by the House when 16 representatives voted for his impeachment in 2013. He resigned before the Senate could start the trial.