8 Mar 2022

Samoa front-line workers in isolation after Covid-19 scare

6:14 pm on 8 March 2022

The Samoa government has placed 25 workers into isolation after they worked on a cargo vessel at Matautu wharf in Apia.

Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Prime Minister of Samoa

Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Prime Minister of Samoa Photo: Supplied / SPREP

The vessel arrived from American Samoa and four crew members onboard have since tested positive for COVID-19.

Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa said Cabinet was told the vessel arrived in Samoa last Tuesday March 1st and it departed the next day for American Samoa.

Fiame confirmed the vessel transferred cargo in Samoa before leaving for American Samoa where the American Samoa government confirmed the crew members tested positive for Covid-19.

The 25 workers in Apia will be isolated for a fortnight as a precaution to minimise the risk of community transmission, Fiame said.