9 May 2022

PNG police call for a victim and witness protection facility

1:01 pm on 9 May 2022

There is a call from Papua New Guinea police for the establishment of a permanent victim and witness protection facility to help with the prosecution of sex crimes.

The idea was raised by members of the Sexual Offences Squad during a recent workshop looking for ways to improve investigations and prosecution of sex crimes.

Papua New Guinea police

Papua New Guinea police Photo: RNZ / Johnny Blades

It was highlighted that many cases get dismissed in court, or take months or years in the courts, because of insufficient evidence and the reluctance of witnesses to give evidence.

The use of compensation or out-of-court settlements along with long-term safe houses is seen as some of the solutions.

Police say such facilities would need to be run by police rather than NGOs.

They say at present some police take care of victims or witnesses in their homes, causing stress on their limited resources.