Two Pasifika government ministers are among six New Zealand MPs retiring at the 2023 election.
Ministers Poto Williams and Aupito William Sio are on the retiree list.
Aupito has served this term as the Minister for Pacific Peoples, Minister for Courts, and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver
He has been an MP for the Mangere Electorate since 2008.
He previously served in local government, and was the first elected official of Pacific descent to hold a mayoral office in Auckland.
Aupito said it was his decision to leave.
"I dedicated that time advocating for Pacific communities. I've left everything on the field and I think it's my time. I've got young Pacific MP's in my caucus that are retiring to go and I've got every confidence in them," he said.
Poto Williams became the MP for Christchurch East in 2013.
She is the Conservation Minister and Disability Issues Minister, as well as Associate Minister for Children.
The ministers will stay on until the election next year.
Photo: 2020 Getty Images