PNG minister banks on whistleblower law

3:05 pm on 13 December 2022

Papua New Guinea's Public Service Minister Joe Sungi says whistleblower legislation would help ensure top officials do their work.

The National reports he had been frustrated by department heads not doing their jobs but still being paid.

Intricate artwork displayed on the facade of the Papua New Guinea parliament building in Port Moresby.

Intricate artwork displayed on the facade of the Papua New Guinea parliament building in Port Moresby. Photo: RNZ Pacific/ Koroi Hawkins

"They should be serving the interest of the people," he said.

"We can't be paying them while they are sitting there doing nothing or misconducting themselves."

Sungi said the public sector was very lenient on senior public servants.

He said whistleblower legislation would push them to be honest in the execution of their duties.

The minister said when the Whistleblower Act comes into force and public servants are spotted not doing their job, they should be reported.