19 Dec 2022

Pacific news in brief for December 19

11:10 am on 19 December 2022

Big drop in crime on Cook Islands

According to new figures, thefts have dropped from 167 reported in 2018 to 117 reported so far this year.

Reported break-ins have also dropped in the same time period, from 158 to 73.

Cook Islands Police spokesman Trevor Pitt said there has been a steep decline in crime over the past five years.

Result of Marianas gubernatorial runoff certified

Photo: Mark Rabago

The Commonwealth Election Commission was finally able to count the 78 provisional absentee votes that were challenged.

The CEC was able to proceed with the certification after it met the quorum of five commissioners to proceed with its meeting.

With this count done, Governor-elect Arnold Palacios and lieutenant governor-elect David Apatang, of the unified independent team garnered 7,394 votes based on official tabulation results.

Incumbent Ralph Torres and his running mate, Senator Vinnie Sablan, of the Republican Party received 6,263 votes.

Elections manager charged with misappropriating money

Papua New Guinea's Southern Highlands election manager has been charged with misappropriating money from the provincial electoral trust account.

Police crimes director Chief Inspector Joel Simatab said Alwyn Jimmy was charged with one count each of misappropriation, abuse of office, money laundering and conspiracy to defraud.

The police allege that payments were made from a subsidiary trust account to Jimmy's hire car business.

Dates set for 2023 French Polynesia elections

The dates have been set for next year's territorial elections in French Polynesia.

The French High Commission said the first round of voting will be on April 16 and the second round on April 30.

Voters will elect a 57-member assembly for a five-year term.

The lists of candidates have to be submitted by March 17.

Under the proportional system introduced in 2011, lists need the support of at least 12.5 percent of the votes to make it to the second round.

Samoan govt dispenses funds to district councils

Samoa's Government has distributed over $US370,000 to 21 district councils throughout the country, as part of a four-year development plan.

Samoa's Minister of Social Development Leota Lamositele said the funds will be used by district councils to finance local projects and staff income.

Lamositele said the size of funding to each district is determined by financial estimations provided by local councils.

Former Samoan Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegao, has criticised the funding scheme, accusing the Government of not having a framework in place to audit the funds.

Chinese ambassador's Samoan honour

China's ambassador to Samoa will receive a matai title.

Ambassador Chao Xiaoliang is to be bestowed the title of Tupa'ialofa.

Samoa's Minister of Agriculture, Laauli Fosi, said the honorary title is a token of respect for China's development contributions.

American airline flies into Tahiti

Delta Airlines has launched its flights from Los Angeles to Tahiti.

An airliner carrying 200 passengers arrived in Papeete in what is the start of the carrier's trial on the route.

Until March 25, Delta is scheduled to fly three times a week.

An estimated 8000 passengers are expected to arrive with this new service during that period.

Delta is the fourth airline to link California with French Polynesia.

Thousands raised for Toa Samoa homecoming

More than $US70,000 has been raised for the planned homecoming for the Toa Samoa rugby league team after a telethon which was also broadcast on radio.

The Samoa Observer reports Samoans all over the world chipped in to support Toa Samoa's homecoming.

Rugby League Samoa President Tagaloa Fa'afouina Su'a told a media conference donations by companies were already collected ahead of the fundraiser.

The team arrive in Apia on December 27.

By-election in Samoa

Voters for the Samoan electoral constituency of Vaimauga III will soon be going to the polls to find a replacement for their MP.

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly has issued a notice of the vacant seat in the House, which will now trigger the by-election process.

Tapunu'u Niko Lee Hang, who had a long career in Parliament, died on November 29. He represented the opposition Human Rights Protection Party.

A date has yet to be set for the by-election.