Artist impression of the proposed museum. Photo: Facebook / Ministry of Infrastructure Tonga
Prime Minister Hu'akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni has confirmed that Saudi Arabia is going to fund the construction of Tonga's first national museum in Nuku'alofa.
Discussions between PM Hu'akavameiliku and Saudi Arabian government officials were held last year in Tonga and in Saudi Arabia.
While final details are yet to be released, RNZ Pacific has been told the state-of-the-art museum will be constructed later in the year.
The Ministry of Infrastructure spokesman Filokalafi 'Akauola said this week they are finalising details.
The Ministry has shared artists' impressions of the new museum on its social media pages.
Tonga's past governments had tried to construct a museum but a lack of funding had hindered that from materialising.
The design has received a lot of support from members of the public.
Tonga and Saudi Arabia established diplomatic relations at an official ceremony in New York in December 2020.
Tonga had backed Saudi Arabia's hosting of the World Expo in 2022.