Ratu Viliame Seruvakula is the GCC chair. 29 February 2023 Photo: Facebook / Ministry of iTaukei Affairs
Ratu Viliame Seruvakula was elected to head the Great Council of Chiefs on Wednesday.
His term is for three years.
Ratu Seruvakula received 27 votes, ahead of Ratu Meli Saukuru (10) and Ratu Jone Lalabalavu (8).
Following his election, Ratu Seruvakula told journalists he wants the GCC to be independent of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, which is responsible for indigenous matters.
Ratu Seruvakula, a former Fiji military officer and Tailevu chief, said it had been 16 years since the GCC was closed down by the Bainimarama administration, and times had changed.
"Looking at the work of the review, it's quite obvious that for the last 15 years, people have become more aware perhaps in looking for something to help them, guide them forward, especially the youth - the youth of today," he said.
He said the GCC needs to be apolitical, and the only way to do that was to move the ministry and the GCC apart.
The new chairman also said the GCC is not only for indigenous Fijians.
"They founded the GCC to be the voice of iTaukei to the government.
"We discussed it...the GCC has a responsibility to take into account the interests of all citizens of Fiji, including those who may not be iTaukei, but have come to call Fiji their home."
Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said while the GCC intrinsically linked to the governance and wellbeing of the indeginous people, it carries a profound obligation to embrace and advocate for every member of the country's diverse society.
Rabuka called for the memberber of the GCC for all the people if Fiji.