2:24 pm today

Kiribati presidential candidates release manifestos

2:24 pm today
This frame grab from AFPTV video footage shows a woman filling-in her ballot at a polling station before voting in Kiribati's national elections in Tarawa on August 14, 2024. Polls closed in the Pacific nation of Kiribati on August 14, capping a campaign dominated by cost of living worries, rising sea levels and questions about the benefit of deeper ties with China. (Photo by Raimon Kataotao / AFPTV / AFP)


The candidates for President in Kiribati have published their manifestos, as required by a new law.

The law states that the successful candidate will be held accountable to the commitments made during the electoral process to the Electoral Office.

The current President, or Beretitenti, Taneti Maamau, is considered the only feasible candidate, as he is running alongside two other members of his Tobwaan Kiribati Party.

Maamau has outlined an extensive list of promises, including tax cuts, better infrastructure throuughout the country, and improvements in the welfare and prosperity of the people.

However, these commitments lack any specific details.

The president of Kiribati, Tantei Maamau, at the 2019 Pacific Islands Forum summit in Tuvalu.

The president of Kiribati, Tantei Maamau, at the 2019 Pacific Islands Forum summit in Tuvalu. Photo: RNZ / Jamie Tahana

He wants to encourage growth and better utilisation of the country's resources, while state companies will be asked to consider the state-owned enterprise model.

Maamau wants to ensure there is help for the people of Rabi and Banaba, and to sort out landownership issues on Kiritimati and Tarawa.

He is also promising improved transparency from government, embassies in places such as Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand, and an increase in the number of MPs for some outer islands.

Taneti Maamau's manifesto

Long-term vision

  • Kiribati and all its people will be prosperous, healthy, and at peace


  • To lead and develop Kiribati in unity, so that health, peace, and well-being will grow through the proper use of our resources, within our capabilities at each time, leaving no one behind.


  • 1. Kiribati's wealth will grow and income will be increased.
  • 2. Increase efforts to prevent all diseases, protect young children and women, and provide education and training.
  • 3. Maintain respect for the Law and Human Rights.
  • 4. Increase assistance in combating climate change and disasters of all kinds.

Core values

The Tobwaan Kiribati Party continues to implement positive and pleasing changes for the people. And the Tobwaan Kiribati Party also believes that goodness should first come from the members of the Party, which will be evident in their good behaviours and character:

  • The Tobwaan Kiribati Party will operate in doing what is right, truthful, and with complete integrity.
  • It will practice good governance and transparency.
  • The Tobwaan Kiribati Party is strongly committed to leadership that is guided by truth and love, and strives to fulfill the resolutions it has given to the people.

This motto will serve as a reminder during its term that we should not only speak but also fulfill our words: We serve, we deliver

The Tobwaan Kiribati Party is ready to lead Kiribati so that it may grow in prosperity, health, and wellbeing.

Our objectives

The Tobwaan Kiribati Party believes that in its leadership work, there must be objectives that it will fulfill during its term. Here are some of its important objectives:

  • We will continue to recognize God as our true leader
  • We will uphold the Constitution
  • The will of the people will be prioritized, and no one will be left behind
  • We will uphold the rights, freedoms, and dignity of the people of Kiribati
  • We will lead and protect Kiribati
  • The I-Kiribati will live well
  • We will make Kiribati a comfortable and healthy country
  • We will maintain I-Kiribati culture and traditions

Our plan for community engagement

There has been much discussion with all Members from the party in connection with the community. In establishing the framework of the resolution, all Members' ideas were included, and the party has travelled to inform the public and also gather their ideas for the proper completion of the comprehensive resolution. It is important that when the resolution is to be implemented, there will be a community engagement strategy that will maintain connection with the community or different communities for their implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning.

Our wealth is our life and growth

From our wealth on our land Kiribati in terms of our natural resources, our wealth in our people, and our wealth in our culture. These form our daily life, and our growth in facing climate change, and maintaining prosperity, health, and peace

  • 1. Improving financial assistance to the elderly, unemployed, and disabled within our means.
  • 2. Improving the support through annual tax-free threshold for workers.
  • 3. Reducing tax for companies and businesses by a reasonable amount.
  • 4. Bringing the Reserve Fund (RERF) to $2 billion by 2027 in accordance with guidelines and the money market.
  • 5. Using the reserve fund wisely and in accordance with the draw down policy, to support investments, and other matters.
  • 6. Setting a target for the Island Councils' Trust Fund (ICTF) to double by 2027.
  • 7. Improving policies for increasing the arrival of businesses from overseas to help develop our country.
  • 8. Providing a compassionate allowance to Island Councillors and those who have been consecrated in their Churches as Catechists and Missionaries, who have worked for a long period of eight (8) years or more.
  • 9. Providing an elderly allowance to centenarians who are 100 years old and above.
  • 10. Improving the Law and policies on copra moisture content.
  • 11. Increasing the number of copra bags for copra cutters.
  • 12. Improving the agency fee for copra co-operatives.
  • 13. Providing retirement funds for workers in church schools within our means.
  • 14. Developing the resources of our lagoons and our seas on all islands to increase wellbeing.
  • 15. Assisting church schools for their development to be funded under the Government's Development Fund (No. 4 Account).
  • 16. Continuing to expand the Government's income for sustaining growth and operations (bunkering, upper air space, tendering of fishing rights, etc).
  • 17. Improving government companies so they can stand on their own feet in line with market trends (SOE market-based reforms).
  • 18. Encourage government workplaces to generate their own income and develop investments that will support revenue generation.
  • 19. Provide special financial assistance through the Kiribati Housing Corporation (KHC) and Development Bank of Kiribati (DBK) for house construction by the public at favourable interest rates.
  • 20. Assist Churches in obtaining loans from DBK to meet their needs such as building churches, fences for protection, and major renovations for running their Churches, at favourable interest rates.
  • 21. Provide assistance through DBK loans for constructing toilets like those overseas, and water for all households in Kiribati, with reasonable repayment periods and favourable interest rates.
  • 22. Increase loan assistance through DBK, and provide funds to help the public protect their lands from erosion.
  • 23. Increase financial assistance to religious organizations on the Outer Islands, as well as those on South Tarawa and Betio.
  • 24. Encourage and increase our small businesses, with training, and facilitate their access to loans for their operations at favourable interest rates.
  • 25. Encourage and increase production from our country's resources for export.
  • 26. Encourage business partnerships between our people, overseas entities, and the Government (public-private partnership).
  • 27. Improve ways to expedite communication with our overseas partners.
  • 28. Promote tourism based on our country's culture and traditions, our beaches, and our clean seas, which are attractive and noteworthy.
  • 29. Encourage large cruise ships to continue visiting Tabuaeran (Fanning island) and all islands of Kiribati.
  • 30. Provide good allowances to teachers for their work in educating Kiribati children towards wisdom and knowledge (teacher's allowances).
  • 31. Improve allowances for Doctors and Nurses in their work of providing increased care for patients of all kinds (doctor's & nurse's allowances).
  • 32. Improve allowances for patients who are in the hospital in Kiritimati and all islands of Kiribati.
  • 33. Improve allowances and salaries for Local Magistrates.
  • 34. Increase healthy foods that can be grown on all our islands and sustained for the health of the people.
  • 35. Provide a special development fund for Island Councils every year.
  • 36. Develop and improve the remuneration of Island Councillors within our means.
  • 37. Improve the pricing on building materials such as timber, cement, and corrugated iron so that they can match the public's purchasing power (reduce import tariffs).
  • 38. Increase scholarship loans to support education in various areas within our country and outside Kiribati, at favourable interest rates.
  • 39. Establish a day of cooperation, such as the first Saturday of the month, to be called "Maurin Kiribati" (Kiribati Health) for carrying out volunteer work throughout Kiribati, from 7am-10am.
  • 40. Provide work and financial assistance to women and children who have experienced violence, and increase ways and support to help prevent these occurrences.
  • 41. Create strong laws and policies to reduce violence against women and children.
  • 42. Increase education, dialogue, and support for women and men to prevent and eliminate violence and discrimination against women, children and LGBTQ individuals.
  • 43. Encourage and support women to be able to attend international meetings relevant to them.
  • 44. Improve support for children whose parents have separated, or whose parents have lost their lives.
  • 45. Equip all Outer Islands that do not yet have passenger boats with properly equipped and inspected vessels.
  • 46. Maintain Kiribati Oil (KOIL) equipment on all Outer Islands.
  • 47. Distribute copra trucks to all Outer Islands, and expedite the provision of copra sheds for all Outer Islands.
  • 48. Conduct a study on acquiring machinery for manufacturing in Kiribati.
  • 49. Stop or reduce the cargo and fuel shortages that affect people's lives.
  • 50. Provide and increase training on money management and development activities for those who receive government assistance.
  • 51. Seek ways to assist the people of Banaba and Rabi.
  • 52. Explore ways to create land on Tarawa to reduce problems of land scarcity.
  • 53. Return lands to landowners that are not being used by the Government.
  • 54. Expedite the completion of land leases for residents on Kiritimati so that it can be properly settled.
  • 55. Improve support for early childhood care and education.
  • 56. Improve support services for our communities to maintain peace in towns and our communities.
  • 57. Increase educational opportunities for Kiribati children who have already left school to gain skills.
  • 58. Increase preventive medicine and expand support to protect our people from dangerous diseases.
  • 59. Maintain the health of women and children and provide free assistance to them.
  • 60. Further raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level.
  • 61. Improve money transfer and storage using new technologies (digital payment, credit union) in all islands of Kiribati.
  • 62. Bring in another bank to improve services to the public quickly.
  • 63. Improve services such as freight, port, postal, and customs to increase exports for our businesses and developers.
  • 64. Increase support for easier access to education using new technologies (learning labs, internet).
  • 65. Improve transportation for school children and the public.
  • 66. Increase employment opportunities for our youth outside of Kiribati and provide related training.
  • 67. Improve maternity leave for women and also provide paternity leave for their partners.
  • 68. Provide assistance for boarding fees for children studying in church schools at a reasonable rate.
  • 69. Expand Island Councils' income sources so they can be self-sufficient, such as income from fishing.
  • 70. Encourage the inclusion of education on Law and Government processes in the curriculum, starting from primary level upwards.
  • 71. Provide employment for Betio and South Tarawa residents in government departments and companies according to their skills and talents.
  • 72. Expedite the use of government assistance to landowners on Betio and South Tarawa (beautification project).
  • 73. Establish training for Medical Assistants (MA) to increase their skills for maintaining Health and Disease Prevention on Outer Islands.
  • 74. Improve storage facilities for medical supplies to ensure sufficiency and prevent shortages across Kiribati.
  • 75. Conduct a study on compensation or protection against illness for workers to expand support (medical insurance).
  • 76. Improve exports from the Eastern Division and all islands of Kiribati, including Rabi.
  • 77. Further improve prices of goods in the eastern region and all islands of Kiribati, including the system of freight refunds.
  • 78. Organise and strengthen support for international organisations that provide financial assistance related to climate finance, which can help with coastal protection, land reclamation, land creation, relocation, clean water access, and disaster funds.
  • 79. Increase efforts on the national identification system project to help improve operations.
  • 80. Establish clinics close to mission schools to oversee the health of children, teachers, and staff.
  • 81. Implement resettlement in the Line and Phoenix Islands for distributing prosperity.
  • 82. Provide training vessels to our Outer Islands and communities for utilising our marine resources, through overseas assistance.
  • 83. Improve health services across all islands of Kiribati to support Health and Disease Prevention, including the hospitals in Kiritimati and North Tabiteuea.
  • 84. Increase sustainable developments such as roads, wharves, boat passages, airfields (including for Banaba and Kanton), causeways, bridges, and many more.

Peace and properity support good development

Maintaining peace and prosperity in our small, scattered and remote islands in our vast ocean is crucial. Preserving peace and prosperity in our country, with our neighbours, and the world will promote well-being, health, and peace.

  • 1. Community policies will be organised to ensure consistent use and recognition by the Government in various sectors (improve internal governance).
  • 2. Encourage our communities to be healthy and capable of fulfilling their roles in maintaining peace and development.
  • 3. Further improve protection and prevention measures for our people and country in relation to climate change and various forms of natural disasters.
  • 4. Develop and strengthen our capabilities, policies, and laws to prevent conflicts that may arise from the use of new technologies (cyber security).
  • 5. Extend solar power assistance to Outer Islands that have not yet benefited.
  • 6. Promote activities for youth engagement, such as sports and talent showcases, as well as improving cultural events.
  • 7. Expedite the establishment of the National Institute of Sport.
  • 8. Secure overseas training opportunities for our healthcare workers to improve their care provision.
  • 9. Protect our ocean from illegal activities that could affect the health of our resources.
  • 10. Maintain dialogue with larger countries on preserving peace and prosperity in the Pacific region, and Kiribati in particular, in line with our foreign policy.
  • 11. Establish a Police Training Center on Christmas Island for youth training.

Infrastructure is the engine that accelerates development

Infrastructure is what supports sustainable and well-organized development. Increasing infrastructure and the ability to maintain its quality will also sustain prosperity, health, and peace.

  • 1. Expedite the delivery of equipment for road construction on Outer Islands before the upgrade of the main road.
  • 2. Develop policies to prioritize Outer Islands without desalination plants that convert seawater to freshwater.
  • 3. Set targets for the use of solar power and other forms of renewable energy such as wind and waves.
  • 4. Develop and encourage people to buy items that run on solar power, which is one of our abundant resources.
  • 5. Encourage the importation of more communication equipment to help improve connectivity.
  • 6. Improve and expand the cable connection that has already available on Kiritimati and is on its way to Tarawa.
  • 7. Expedite the construction of the Reuben K. Uatioa Stadium to improve and support sports development and social gatherings.
  • 8. Accelerate the renovation of the Otintaai Hotel to a better standard through public-private partnership.
  • 9. Further improve the sewerage system for South Tarawa and Betio residents, and extend it to areas not yet covered.
  • 10. Maintain and increase water tanks to provide clean water to the public, along with providing household sewerage systems.
  • 11. Secure quick assistance for further improvements to our hospitals and clinics.
  • 12. Support Kiribati to become a leader in developing and protecting our marine resources, and encourage foreign companies to provide assistance (smart offshore ecosystems).
  • 13. Make Kiribati reknowned as a country that manages its own fishing and markets its own fish.
  • 14. Encourage studies to bring new technologies to help with development and new revenue sources related to climate change (carbon capture technology).
  • 15. Accelerate developments that will help Kiribati become known as a hub for yellowfin and tuna fishing.
  • 16. Prioritise improving housing for workers on Outer Islands to ensure comfortable and peaceful work.
  • 17. Provide fire extinguishers in Housing Corporation houses, government offices and those of its organisations, companies and significant public places, along with increased training on their use.
  • 18. Establish a financial body for the environment that will encourage its funding to support environmental activities for preserving Kiribati's valuable resources and help clean our land, beaches, lagoons, and ocean.
  • 19. Acquire a dredge for construction of boat passages on Outer Islands and for land reclamation.
  • 20. Establish special care centres for women and children.
  • 21. Further improve access roads and streetlights for pedestrian and travel visibility.
  • 22. Increase assistance for coastal protection of all islands in Kiribati.
  • 23. Create places (like those overseas) that assist the public, including those with disabilities, in public places (disability-friendly public places).
  • 24. Conduct studies for land and sea planning in Kiribati's Outer Islands where it hasn't been done yet, to improve development.
  • 25. Build waiting areas for ship and air passengers throughout Kiribati.
  • 26. Improve street lighting on outer islands to maintain visibility for travel.
  • 27. Improve and upgrade the road on South Tarawa, Betio, and Kiritimati.
  • 28. Increase assistance for causeways, bridges, and wharves.
  • 29. Establish a thatch storage facility on Tarawa for receiving thatch from the Outer Islands.
  • 30. Improve communications coverage on Outer Islands where it's not yet satisfactory.
  • 31. Upgrade broadcasting stations to Outer Islands where reception is not very good.
  • 32. Build a centre or place for socialising for our elderly to increase their engagement.
  • 33. Extend piped water supply to areas not yet reached.
  • 34. Assist in building maneaba (meeting houses) for primary schools in areas where they are needed.
  • 35. Improve sports facilities on Outer Islands, and maintain and encourage sports activities on Outer Islands and in the region.
  • 36. Prioritise the construction and renovation of Government offices (Ministries) through climate finance.
  • 37. Improve domestic flights including strengthening our international airport.
  • 38. Further improve ports or boat passages on Outer Islands and create more boat passages on Outer Islands that don't yet have them.

Good governance and leadership lead to real progress

A transparent government system that is ready to accept accountability from the public will promote and maintain prosperity, health, and peace.

  • 1. Strengthen development for revenue generation with policies that can be followed to help people and communities affected by unexpected emergencies and disasters (emergency, disaster relief & recovery).
  • 2. Review and improve the structure of government bodies that will further enhance responses to climate change and disasters.
  • 3. Increase the number of Members of Parliament for Outer Islands with growing populations where deemed necessary.
  • 4. Establish a tribunal for resolving land disputes in areas requiring property settlements (land grievances tribunal).
  • 5. Improve the law relating to lawyers in Kiribati for better engagement with the public.
  • 6. Protect lands where Churches are located for their comfort and that of the public.
  • 7. Establish policies on assistance related to unexpected disasters through various post-disaster compensation schemes (disaster insurance).
  • 8. Make arrangements with countries that have high environmental impacts to reduce problems arising from climate change so that they better understand the needs of small countries like Kiribati (climate justice/loss & damages fund).
  • 9. Support practices and policies for workers' unions that can address their needs such as wage adjustments, workplace health and safety, and ensuring wellbeing for all workers without discrimination.
  • 10. Improve measures that can prevent reckless driving by road users and increase public education on road use.
  • 11. Establish Kiribati overseas missions in Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand, and other places where deemed necessary.
  • 12. Establish an Ombudsman office to support the work of the Leadership Commission.
  • 13. Improve our Constitution to recognize the importance of our customs and identity as I Kiribati, and changes that will enhance good governance.
  • 14. Maintain communication with overseas partners on developing and expanding measures to prevent corruption and illegal activities in our country, Kiribati.
  • 15. Develop a body that will expedite, improve, and report on obtaining assistance from global organizations that provide development aid, maintaining transparent development, fulfilling development goals, and properly using aid in appropriate ways.

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