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Pacific Waves for Monday 16 September 2013
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 16 September 2013
3:08 PM.A veteran pilot says the Tonga plane controversy is a storm in a teacup; a noted academic looks at the merits of the Majuro Declaration and finds it wanting; legislation is drawn up in Papua New… Read more Audio
Majuro Declaration likely to make matters worse - academic
3:02 PM.A noted academic looks at the merits of the Majuro Declaration and finds it wanting. Audio
Veteran pilot says Tonga plane controversy a 'storm in a teacup'
3:01 PM.Veteran pilot says the aircraft gifted to Tonga by China is not a significant safety issue. Audio
Research into migration of Pacific women to Asia
6:06 AM.A New Zealand Pacific Islander has been awarded a scholarship to track the migration of young Pacific women to Asia. Audio
Tonga group aiming to export ngatu for high school fees
6:05 AM.Women in Tonga are making ngatu or tapa to sell overseas so they can pay their children's high school fees. Audio
New book on unique land entitlements in Tonga released in NZ
6:04 AM.A book on the survey of land in Tonga for the purpose of allotting every male a portion of land was launched this week in Auckland. Audio
Men in flood-hit Solomons urged to think of women's struggle
6:03 AM.Men in the area hit by floods east of the Solomon Islands capital Honiara are being urged to consider how difficult life is for the women in their families. Audio
PNG Lands Ministry to review questionable land dealings
6:02 AM.Papua New Guinea's Ministry of Lands says it is undertaking a process to review questionable land deals throughout the country. Audio
Legislation drawn up in PNG to address passenger ship safety
6:01 AM.The National Maritime Safety Authority in Papua New Guinea is confident revised legislation and greater education of the shipping industry will help avoid a repeat of the Rabaul Queen tragedy. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 16 September 2013
6:00 AM.Legislation drawn up in PNG to address passenger ship safety; PNG Lands Ministry to open up a box of questionable land dealings; Men in flood-hit Solomons province urged to think of women's struggle… Read more Audio