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Pacific Waves for Wednesday 2 October 2013
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 2 October 2013
4:10 PM.Solomons leaders have lost sight of the needs of the people, says NGO; Free West Papua group welcomes Vanuatu's UN statement; Australian government accused of breaking its laws in deporting Papuans… Read more Audio
Free West Papua group welcomes Vanuatu's UN statement
4:02 PM.The Vanuatu Free West Papua Association has welcomed the Prime Minister's speech at the United Nations Assembly, where he highlighted the plight of West Papuans. Audio
Solomons leaders have lost sight of people's needs - NGO
4:01 PM.The chairperson of Transparency Solomon Islands says many politicians have lost sight of the people who vote for them, with the period immediately following elections described as being the critical… Read more Audio
Amid controversy, French Polynesia gets high council
6:03 AM.French Polynesia establishes High Council to vet local laws. Audio
Probe into Samoa prison reveals inmate breaches
6:02 AM.Probe into allegations of corruption at Samoa's Tafaigata Prison reveals conditions of overcrowding and inmates being sent to work to stay with some senior police officers. Audio
Australian Government breaks laws in deporting West Papuans
6:01 AM.The Refugee Action Coalition is accusing the Australian government of breaking the law in deporting West Papuans. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 2 October 2013
6:00 AM.Australian government accused of breaking its laws in deporting Papuans; Probe into Samoa prison reveals overcrowding and inmate breaches; Amid controversy, French Polynesia gets High Council; Papua… Read more Audio