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Pacific Waves for Tuesday 10 June 2014
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 10 June 2014
3:04 PM.Effects of climate change reveals grave site of WWII skeletons; We hear about a push for diversification in PNG's agriculture sector; NZ PM's decision to skip Pacific Forum summit is criticised… Read more Audio
WWII skeletons exposed by climate change in Marshall Islands
3:03 PM.The Marshall Islands Foreign Minister, Tony de Brum, has told a United Nations climate change meeting in Germany that rising sea levels have exposed the skeletal remains of World War Two soliders from… Read more Audio
Push for diversification in PNG agriculture
3:02 PM.Push for diversification in PNG agriculture in the face of challenges such as the cocoa pod borer crisis. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 10 June 2014
5:05 AM.NZ PM's decision to skip Pacific Forum summit is criticised; Pacific wants extended labour mobility; Vodafone says there's no illegal surveillance in Fiji; An academic says new data reveals an obesity… Read more Audio
NZ PM's decision to skip Pacific Forum summit criticised
5:04 AM.Critics say the Prime Minister of New Zealand's decision to skip Pacifc Islands Forum will leave a bad impression with our Pacific neighbours. Audio
Pacific wants extended labour mobility
5:03 AM.The Chief Trade Advisor to the Pacific Islands countries says they could be in a position to conclude the PACER PLUS trade deal with Australia and New Zealand by the end of next year. Audio