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Pacific Waves for Thursday 21 August 2014
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 21 August 2014
3:06 PM.US Pacific leaders say Obama's marine proposal will hurt their economy; A leading Pacific fishing agency wants scheme to control long-liners; Calls for the release of children in Australia's asylum… Read more Audio
US Pacific leaders - Obama's marine proposal will hurt economy
3:05 PM.US Pacific territory leaders say President Obama's proposal to expand marine protected areas in the Pacific will hurt their economy and cultural values. Audio
PNA wants scheme extended to long-line fleet
3:04 PM.The Parties to the Nauru Agreement are hoping a new scheme will be in place next year to control long-line tuna fishing in the region. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 21 August 2014
5:06 AM.Calls for children in asylum seeker camps to be released; Tuvalu PM wants real commitments at NY climate meeting; NZ anti-violence agency supports Vanuatu police in rape case; There are concerns about… Read more Audio
Call for children in asylum seeker camps to be released
5:05 AM.The Australian Greens say the Abbott government should release all the hundreds of children it is holding in asylum seeker camps. Audio
Tuvalu PM wants real commitments at NY climate meeting
5:04 AM.Tuvalu Prime Minister has clear goals for when he co-chairs a key climate change meeting in New York next month. Audio
NZ anti-violence agency supports Vanuatu police in rape case
5:03 AM.A New Zealand anti-violence agency says it fully supports the Vanuatu Police for going against customary law and taking a prosecution against a man who allegedly raped his wife. Audio
NZ Pacific language speakers declining
5:02 AM.A New Zealand academic says the Government is shirking its duty to stem the declining numbers of the country's Pacific language speakers. Audio