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Pacific Waves for Tuesday 26 August 2014
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 26 August 2014
3:06 PM.A Fiji party calls for an independent probe into death; A Vanuatu women's group challanges chiefs' views; Tonga is to share its experiences of Cyclone Ian; Fiji's elections body comes under scrutiny… Read more Audio
Fiji party calls for independent probe into death
3:05 PM.Fiji's People's Democratic Party is calling for an independent investigation into the death of Vilikesa Soko, who is alleged to have been the victim of police brutality. Audio
A Vanuatu women's group challenges chiefs views
3:04 PM.Women Against Crime and Corruption in Vanuatu says times have changed and marital rape can not be tolerated. Audio
Tonga to share Cyclone Ian experiences with SIDS
3:03 PM.Tonga's Meteorological Service says it will share what it learned from January's Cyclone Ian with other Pacific nations at the Small Islands Developing States conference in Apia next week. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 26 August 2014
5:06 AM.Fiji's elections body comes under scrutiny; The buying and selling of fishing access becomes more sophisticated; A PNG Governor on path to turning PNG capital into global city; Also in PNG, the… Read more Audio
Fiji's elections body under scrutiny after court decision
4:05 AM.Fiji's Elections Commission's powers weakened by court decision. Audio
Access to PNA fishing days becomes more sophisticated
4:04 AM.The buying and selling of access to fishing days in the area under the control of the PNA fishing bloc of nations is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Audio
Governor on path to turning PNG capital into global city
4:03 AM.The Governor of Papua New Guinea's capital says his long-term goal of re-moulding Port Moresby as a progressive international city requires changing values and behaviour. Audio