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Pacific Waves for Wednesday 24 June 2015
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 24 June 2015
3:04 PM.The Inter-Parliamentary Union says it will look into the Nauru political crisis; former French Polynesian president Gaston Flosse found guilty of abusing public funds; West Papuan Leader says he is… Read more Audio
International parliamentarians to look at Nauru crisis
3:03 PM.An international grouping of parliaments fears democracy is in jeopardy in Nauru and offers to mediate. Audio
French Polynesia's Flosse sentenced in espionage case
3:02 PM.French Polynesia's former president Gaston Flosse has been found guilty of abusing public funds but acquitted of violating privacy in a long-running espionage case against him. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 24 June 2015
5:05 AM.West Papuan Leader says he is confident in Vanuatu's support, despite the change in government; Greenpeace calls on Pacific Island countries to be consistent on their Climate Change stance; A refugee… Read more Audio
West Papuans confident Vanuatu still backing them
5:04 AM.West Papuans happy that Vanuatu's positive support for them at the Melanesian Spearhead Group will continue despite the change of government. Audio
Greenpeace calls for consistency in Marshalls on climate change
5:03 AM.Greenpeace is calling on Pacific Island countries to be consistent on their Climate Change stand at the international level. Audio