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Pacific Waves for Wednesday 1 July 2015
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 1 July 2015
3:05 PM.Norfolk group to seek UN help for self determination; Global climate action possibly too late for Kiribati; There have been calls for both pre and post disaster funding at a pacific regional meeting… Read more Audio
Norfolk group to seek UN help for self determination
3:04 PM.A Norfolk Island group launches a process to win United Nations backing for its push for self determination. Audio
Global Climate Action too late for Kiribati
3:03 PM.The President of Kiribati Anote Tong says whatever action the world decides to take at climate change talks in Paris, it comes too late for low-lying island nations like his own. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 1 July 2015
5:06 AM.Resounding call for pre and post disaster funding at pacific regional meeting; Vasectomy is being promoted in Papua New Guinea as a solution to its high maternal death rate; A Kiribati youth… Read more Audio
Financial challenges discussed at humanitarian meeting
5:05 AM.There was a resounding call for access to finances both before and after disasters from Pacific leaders at a regional meeting looking at humanitarian challenges. Audio
Vasectomy promoted in Papua New Guinea
5:04 AM.Vasectomies are being promoted in Papua New Guinea in an effort to tackle the country's high maternal death rate. Audio
NZ helping Vanuatu tourism get back on its feet
5:02 AM.Additional aid support from New Zealand for the Vanuatu tourism industry is welcomed as the sector gets back onto its feet. Audio