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Pacific Waves for Wednesday 6 July 2016
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 6 July 2016
3:06 PM.Law students say women still face challenges in the Pacific; The benefits of kava are catching on in the Pacific, and beyond; Amnesty Internationa's first Pasifika chair announced; Protests and… Read more Audio
Tough legal challenges remain for Pacific women
3:05 PM.Law students in New Zealand say women still face tough legal challenges throughout the Pacific. Audio
Benefits of kava catching on in NZ and beyond
3:04 PM.A New Zealand-based academic who has researched the usage and effects of kava says more people are picking up on the various healing qualities of the narcotic. Audio
Amnesty International's first Pasifika chair announced
3:03 PM.New chair of Amnesty Internation's NZ board announced. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 6 July 2016
5:05 AM.Protests and violence end University of Papua New Guinea's academic year; Leaders from the Small Island States of the Pacific Islands Forum have adopted a new strategy to ensure their vulnerabilities… Read more Audio
After protests, University of PNG cancels academic year
5:04 AM.After two months of student protests, the University of Papua New Guinea has cancelled the academic year. Audio
Small Island States adopt new strategy
5:03 AM.Leaders from the Small Island States of the Pacific Islands Forum have adopted a new strategy to ensure their vulnerabilities are addressed. Audio
Coconut oil trend opens doors for Pacific farmers
5:00 AM.More doors are opening for Pacific farmers with the use of coconut oil now a growing trend in health and beauty markets worldwide. Audio