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Pacific Waves for Monday 8 August 2016
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 8 August 2016
3:06 PM.The operators of the international airport in Port Vila frustrated by the ongoing runway saga; Public commitment is sought in Tonga to crackdown on alcohol abuse; Australia's government is criticised… Read more Audio
Vanuatu airport head frustrated by ongoing runway saga
3:05 PM.Airports Vanuatu says repairs at Bauerfield Airport that consultants said would last a year have lasted little more than three months. Audio
Public commitment sought in Tonga booze crackdown
3:04 PM.Tonga police say issues of alcohol abuse can only be overcome with commitment from the community. Audio
Young hope for Cook Islands' reo
3:01 PM.Samoan, Indian, Chinese and Italian toddlers are helping keep the endangered language of the Cook Islands alive. Audio
3pm Pacific Regional News for 8 August 2016
3:00 PM.The latest Pacific regional news. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 8 August 2016
5:04 AM.Australia's government is criticised for shirking responsibility for offshore detention centres; Norfolk Island's new governance system isn't pleasing one councillor; Coherence between policies and… Read more Audio
Signs of a shift in attitudes to sexual violence in Fiji
5:04 AM.The head of the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre says recent statistics on sexual violence in the country are disturbing, but the long-term outlook is slowly improving. Audio
Signs of a shift in attitudes to sexual violence in Fiji
5:04 AM.The head of the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre says recent statistics on sexual violence in the country are disturbing, but the long-term outlook is slowly improving. Audio
Australia accused of shirking responsibility
5:03 AM.Australia's government has been criticised for shirking responsibility for the plight of asylum seekers and refugees caught up in its offshore processing centres on Nauru and Manus Island, Papua New… Read more Audio
PACER Plus to go ahead with or without PNG
5:03 AM.The regional trade agreement known as PACER Plus will be going ahead with or without the region's largest island nation. Audio
Norfolk's new regional council stymied: Snell
5:02 AM.One of Norfolk Island's new regional councillors Lisle Snell says they are finding the new governance system unsatisfactory and it's putting stress on some of the island's residents. Audio
Coherence could help the fight against NCDs
5:01 AM.More coherence between health, trade and investment laws, policies and sectors could play an important role in combatting non-communicable diseases in the Pacific. Audio
Poor academic results in Marshall Islands concerning
5:00 AM.Marshall Islands education authorities admit academic results that are some of the worst in the Pacific are concerning. Audio