Navigation for Pacific Waves
Pacific Waves for Thursday 4 July 2019
Dateline Thurs 4 July
3:06 PM.Alarming rates of child sexual exploitation in Pacific; Samoa church not budging from tax position; UK "stepped back too much" from Pacific - High Commissioner; new plan for Pacific coastal fishery… Read more Audio
Alarming rates of child sexual exploitation in Pacific
3:05 PM.New research into child sexual exploitation in the Pacific reaffirms that children are most often sexually exploited by people they know. The survey also shows rates in the Pacific are much more… Read more Audio
Samoa church not budging from tax position
3:04 PM.A Samoa court has thrown out a case against 20 pastors from Samoa's largest church, who were charged with tax evasion. The head of the Congregational Christian Church, Vavatau Taufao, says it's not… Read more Audio
UK 'stepped back too much' from Pacific - High Commissioner
3:03 PM.The British High Commissioner to New Zealand and Samoa says the UK has stepped back too much from the Pacific. Read more Audio
New plan for Pacific coastal fishery management
3:02 PM.A group set up by Pacific countries to improve the management of their coastal fisheries is being disbanded after upsetting Pacific fisheries ministers. Audio
Pacific weavers celebrate Matariki
3:01 PM.To celebrate Matariki, a group of weavers including six from the Pacific told their stories of the stars, the moon and the seasons. Six Maori weavers made up the rest of the group which was part of… Read more Audio