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Pacific Waves for Wednesday 8 July 2020
Dateline Pacific for 8 July 2020
6:03 AM.A man in Samoa was kept in jail for nearly five years longer than he should have been, because of what's been described as an adminstrative error; Ongoing struggle to overcome horrific Covid-19… Read more Audio
Samoan man jailed nearly five years too long due to admin error
6:02 AM.A man in Samoa was kept in jail for nearly five years longer than he should have been, because of what's been described as an adminstrative error. Read more Audio
The struggle to save Marshallese in Arkansas from Covid-19
6:01 AM.A Marshallese doctor, who is a professor at the University of Arkansas Medical School, has been working with the local Marshallese community to help it counter the impact of Covid-19. Read more Audio
Flosse seeks sovereignty for French Polynesia
6:00 AM.Veteran pro-French politician Flosse calls for French Polynesia's sovereignty. Read more Audio