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Pacific Waves for Thursday 10 September 2020
Dateline Pacific for 10 September 2020
6:03 AM.Social media and the disinformation war over West Papua; French Polynesians try to adjust to life in the shadow of Covid-19; Rising seas destroy houses on PNG's south coast. Audio
Social media and the disinformation war over West Papua
6:02 AM.Social media is being used as a weapon in a war of disinformation over West Papua which intensified a year ago during widespread anti-racism protests in the Indonesian-ruled region. Audio
Fr. Polynesians try to adjust to life in the shadow of Covid-19
6:01 AM.French Polynesians try to adjust to life in the shadow of Covid-19. Audio
Rising seas destroy houses on PNG's south coast
6:00 AM.King tides have washed away 18 houses on Papua New Guinea's south coast, a disaster the local councilor blames on climate change. Audio