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Pacific Waves for Friday 23 April 2021
Dateline Pacific for Friday 23 April 2021
6:04 AM.Political parties in Samoa turn to the courts to try and break parliamentary deadlock; Frustrated Fijians are calling for an investigation into the cause of the latest community outbreak of Covid-19… Read more Audio
Setback in FAST's quest for power in Samoa
6:03 AM.Samoa's political party of the moment, FAST, has faced two set backs in its quest to win the government benches. Audio
Fijians questioning how Covid-19 community outbreak happened
6:02 AM.Frustrated Fijians are calling for an investigation into how Covid-19 was allowed to get into the community. Audio
Power play in PNG parliament while Covid-19 runs rampant
6:01 AM.Papua new Guinea's parliament has been adjourned for another four months amid moves to oust Prime Minister James Marape, and at a time when Covid-19 is rife in the parliament precinct. Audio
Pacific health leaders expect benefits from health overhaul
6:00 AM.Pacific health leaders expect a radical overhaul of New Zealand's health system to bring benefits for people of Pacific heritage. Audio