NFP suspension shows lack of democracy in Fiji - MP
An opposition MP in Fiji says the suspension of the National Federation Party shows the country is not a real democracy.
An opposition MP in Fiji says the suspension of the National Federation Party shows the country is not a real democracy.
The Registrar of Political Parties suspended the NFP for contravening the Political Parties Decree 2013.
The NFP provided its 2013-2014 Annual Audited Accounts, which was published in a local newspaper but the Registrar says the accounts were not audited by a certified accountant.
The suspension comes as the NFP was considering pulling its three MPs out of parliament, saying it was hamstrung in its ability by restrictions and a lack of resources,
Tupou Draunidalo told Koro Vaka'uta she wasn't completely shocked by the move.
Tupou Draunidalo Photo: RNZ / Sally Round
TUPOU DRAUNIDALO: It doesn't come as a surprise. Our party has always been prepared for the worst. It comes as no surprise. We've talked about this for a long time. That we are not in a real democracy, we are in a totalitarian state with a dictator. They like to give the appearance of a democracy but we are not and they just go around doing these sorts of things.
KORO VAKA'UTA: Do you know any details about the suspension? What it is about, how long it will be, that sort of thing.
TD: Yes. The supervisor says it is for 30 days. He alleges that our audited accounts, they don't accept the accountant who audited the accounts. The accounts have been audited and given on time as as usual but they just don't agree with who the accountant is and there is disagreement about the interpretation of the decree and the act that they quote. There is uncertainty there.
KV: But as far as you're concerned everything was or seemed to be above board?
TD: Oh yes. Our party is known for doing things strictly by the book.
KV: This came the day that there was going to be an announcement about the future of the suspended party. What happens now with that?
TD: Because they are control freaks. They like to make all the decisions so instead of the party announcing the decision its made, they have gone ahead and announced the decision that they've made. The supervisor which is an arm of the state and his independence has been clearly discussed by his own commissioners. His former commissioner Professor Vijay Naidu gave an interview to your station and talked about how independent the supervisor is. That's the kind of environment we find ourselves in.
KV: Has a decision been made about the future?
TD: For now, the future is the 30 day suspension and we'll take it from there.
KV: So no announcement as yet?
TD: No. In fact the media was gathered for that announcement but before that announcement was made the supervisor of elections delivered the letter.
KV: There is no choice but to accept this 30 day suspension and then move on from then?
TD: We are looking at our options and we have also got our lawyers looking at it and various statements made by the supervisor. We, me and my colleagues are not people who take to bullies very well. We don't cower to bullies. That's all I can say for now.
KV: Is this unprecedented? The suspension of a party in Fiji.
TD: I have not looked into it. I cannot say off the top of my head but I can certainly say that this draconian circumstances under which we operate has never, ever existed in the history of Fiji until this latest coupmaker was elected into power.
The suspension states that the NFP cannot operate, function, represent or hold itself out to be a political party for 30 days.
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