Samoa MP condemns govt support for cigarette factory
One of the three opposition MPs in Samoa is condemning the government's support for a planned cigarette factory in Apia.
One of the three opposition MPs in Samoa is condemning the government's support for a planned cigarette factory in Apia.
Aeau Peniamina Leavai says the decision to grant a license to a foreign owned company undermines efforts to improve public health in the country.
Aeau told Koroi Hawkins the government was putting economic gains ahead of people's health.
AEAU PENIAMINA LEAVAI: They wanted to spread the gospels of not smoking, for healthy living, non-communicable diseases and all that. That was from the health department that was from the health department, by the government it was on the air. This is a month ago before they break out the news that they are going to put in a factory. A cigarette factory.
KOROI HAWKINS: And where is this going to be is it already being built or has it established one?
APL: Yeah in Apia on the outskirts the factory is already there it is almost finished and they were spreading the gospel of everybody should stay away from smoking. And at the same time they are building this, they endorsed, they agree on this tobacco factory starting. So I think that is stupid for the government to tell everybody and yet they are building the factory.
KH: I have spoken with, briefly with some officials in the ministry of health and public health. I think they will be opposing this. Do you know if it is already a done deal and can it be stopped? Can action be taken to stop it?
APL: Well it is a pity with all due respect our set up over here is such that all those people the majority of them under the health all of the health personnel that are supposed to be doing that they are all under the jurisdiction of the health minister which that is of the government voice.
KH: So you are saying that although, even if medical officials in NCD work complain, if the government wants to go ahead with this it will go ahead.
APL: I would say, I would say if they want to go, yes. The medical personnel won't make any noise because the minister is there otherwise they lose their job things like that.
KH: It will be providing employment though is that true that they are providing employment a new source of employment and income?
APL: I believe so, I believe so there will be tax there will be all those people working there. My point is that the government is looking for money instead of the health of the people all these people which I think is more important. And there are a lot of other ways that they should look for money instead of, because that is the main reason that they build up the tobacco factory. They want the tax from those and tax of the people working all those things. So I do not believe in it and I don't like it. I hate it.
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