23 Aug 2016

Bougainville leader accused of undermining peace

From , 6:03 am on 23 August 2016

Bougainville's president has been taken to task by the MP representing Central Bougainville in the Papua New Guinea Government over the escalating argument concerning shares in Bougainville Copper Ltd.

Last week the PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill announced shares in BCL that his government had been gifted by Rio Tinto would be passed on to the landowners and people of Bougainville.

This aroused the ire of Bougainville President John Momis who says they should have gone to his Autonomous Bougainville Government.

He also said Mr O'Neill is undermining the peace process.

But the Central Bougainville MP and PNG Communications Minister, Jimmy Miringtoro, says the president's attack is illogical and it is Mr Momis who is undermining the peace process.

He says Mr Momis had earlier agreed to the landowners getting the PNG share.