JAVEN RUKIA: Unfortunately we still haven't had water because we still don't have the pump test and the piping so they can get the water to the storage tank and what is happening now is we are paying for another private company, a local company, which is called the Fresh Water, to get water from around the out of town source to our water tank in the school.
KOROI HAWKINS: How much is that costing you?
JR: Four thousand litres per load, it's about $500 and actually we are spending around 11 to 12 thousand dollars per week just to fill in these 17 tanks that we do have in the school.
KH: And is that money you have or is the Province paying for that?
JR: No that's the school's money.
KH: I would imagine that's a lot of money and that's cutting into your budget.
JR: Oh it is, it is.
KH: So when do you have any avenues to utilise the bore water, is that coming or do you need that still?
JR: We actually are still waiting on the part of the project that the Provincial Government is still responsible to send to get the pump test and the pipes so they can do the piping from the water bore hole to the storage tank at the school.
KH: Right, so at the moment those bores are useless to you?
JR: Frankly speaking, it is useless.
KH: So let me get this straight, you're working on getting the pump test and you're working on getting the piping how long will that take?
JR: It should be taking us probably another two weeks now, we have just got organised to get the rain from the last few days, so it's filled the tanks but we cannot just go on depending on that because we are experiencing the dry season and it'll take a little bit longer, so probably we need another two weeks, and if nothing happens then we should be thinking of closing the school again. And it's causing stress not only for the students but the teachers too because especially with their families, they need waterfall to do whatever they can with the water and so that really disturbs them so it's very very discouraging because the school actually has raised the founding fathers of the Solomon Islands, so to let the school continue with that problem is very embarrassing as far as I know. The students are actually the pride of this province and as the largest province of this country I feel that the national government should step in quickly to solve the situation.