FRANK PRENDERGAST: This is the first time we've done it in relation to this investigation I'm not sure whether these sorts of awards have been issued previously in the Solomon Islands but it's not a normal step that we take but we're taking it because this is an extremely serious case. We've said all along we won't leave any stone unturned in identifying who's been involved in this activity and operationally the reward is warranted and it's the right time to issue it.
KOROI HAWKINS: The reward is conditional I understand and obviously if people aren't coming forward there must be some concern around safety issues, is that being catered for as well?
FP: We believe from our inquiries that there are people in the community who have information about this matter who haven't come forward. The reward's designed to attract those people to come forward and provide that information so we can deal with it. We've been receiving good support from the community to date but clearly we believe there's other information out there that we haven't been given so that's the reason for the reward. The reward is conditional, we paying the reward based on prosecution rather than just for information and as I said we're very committed to making sure this case is fully investigated and those people involved in the activity which if you recall was very serious criminal activity, put in front of the courts.
KH: My other question put in there was there might be an issue of personal safety concerns from informants in this regard, is that being thought of and looked after as well?
FP: Yes it has, we've set up our reward line in a very secure way. If people have information we urge them to call, if they've got concerns with their security we're happy to discuss that with them and deal with that appropriately but it's important for the community to realise that we all need to deal with these issues and it's everyone's responsibility to make sure that people involved in these sort of issues confront the court, it's very important for the future security of the country, the type of activity that occurred, the type of criminal activity is totally unacceptable in a democracy and it's incumbent on all of us to do our piece so we're trying to work with the community and we've been getting good support but clearly we believe there are people out there who still have information they haven't shared with us.
KH: This incident was on the Sun Express Mbike Island a day before the Prime Ministerial elections and MPs were chartering the boats, are you treating it as a politically motivated crime? Is that a thing?
FP: Yes, I don't want to go into too much detail about the case at this stage because we do have people before the courts but clearly we believe the motivation was to impact the election of the Prime Minister the following day.
KH: And was it successful in doing that do you think?
FP: I don't believe it was.