LOUA KENETI SIO: The cabinet by that particular time didn't have in mind the difference of the [Olympic and Commonwealth] Games. We are looking at putting a paper again and revisit that policy, whether we can put in place the ranking of the Games, so that we can have an idea which particular Games and which medal that we're supposed to be rewarding to the athletes. If we can revisit that again that would be a good solution to come out with that situation.
VINNIE WYLIE: So are you saying that the government will revisit that? It's up to the government, which you're a part of, to make that decision?
KS: Yes. I am looking forward at putting up a paper again. I am looking to that hopefully that will be in the near future.
VW: As the Minister for Sport in Samoa, what is your reaction to the overwhelming public support for Ele Opeloge's achievement and wanting her to be recognised? Is that something that you've noticed, is that something that you are very aware of?
KS: With the situation, in particular with Ele, yes it has been noticed and I can see that people are wanting and hopefully that they can help her which, as I said, I have nothing to go against with. I have also pledged as well but no the government doesn't have anything to do with it in a way of their fundraising to have some funds for Ele.
VW: What does that mean for you as the Minister for Sport, on behalf of the country, to have an Olympic medalist in Samoa and what that might mean for future generations that might look up to her and do look up to her already?
KS: I guess this is one of the first times that we are receiving a medal, especially at the Olympic Games and yeah it's a great achievement that we've got. I'm so thrilled and proud of what Ele has done for our country, in a way of getting this medal, and hopefully I can see that the government, for sure, will be playing a part in the ceremony in the way of receiving the medal.
VW: I guess it's that achievement which is why there's been such a strong groundswell of support for people wanting to see her recognised further?
KS: Yeah I guess so.