The dispute centres on the player Joe Hoeflich whose sponsor enticed him to play for the Ngatangiia Sea Eagles this season despite having a contract with the Avatiu Eels.
The Chairman of the judiciary Wilkie Rasmussen says the Sea Eagles ignored repeated warnings from the Association not to field the player.
"The Association wanted to have the matter negotiated out of the judiciary but that wasn't so and in the end the complaint had to be heard and decisions were made."
The Association has canceled all of the competition points accrued by the Sea Eagles this season and fined the club two hundred dollars.
But the Sea Eagles lawyer, Norman George says the contract Mr Hoeflich signed with the Eels is invalid.
"A lot of the fundamental rights of the player were left out. It was largely one sided designed to favour the Eels Club, missing out on insurance cover, payment, mediation right, leaving Mr Hoeflich with much lesser rights."
However, Mr Rasmussen says the judiciary found the contract to be valid and the punishment in line with previous sanctions.
"The timing of the decision I suppose it is unfortunate. I also think in terms of having to mete out a penalty of stripping of points and penalties of fines, that's also unfortunate. But unfortunately they are part of the rules set out under the constitution of the Cook Islands Rugby League."
But Norman George says the Association's constitution was hastily written and doesn't encompass the judiciary, meaning its decision may not stand up to High Court scrutiny.
"Our procedures are to exhaust the appeal provision. Then I intend to file an application to the High Court to decide whether what the judiciary decided and the national executive decided are in accordance with the rugby league constitution. Also whether the employment contract of the player is valid and my argument is it's invalid and they should not have acted on it."
Norman George says he'll ask the High Court to injunct the penalties if he files for a declaratory judgement.
The president of the Cook Islands Rugby League Association Charles Carlson declined to comment until the appeals process is complete.