About 200 of the roughly 900 men detained on Manus Island have been denied refugee status, prompting the governments of Australia and PNG to begin repatriations. Neither government would reveal how many men have been sent home, but it's understood about 30 have left so far. Many have been given sums of money up to $US25,000 to leave, but the refugee Naji says his friend Azzam el Sheikh has not been offered a financial incentive.
"Azzam has real trouble back home. He told me, if they want to deport me I have to get out of Lebanon quickly, but without money I can't escape and hide again. If they didn't help me I prefer to die here rather (than) go and die there."
In a statement, the Australian Immigration Department said financial assistance is not always given.
"The amount of assistance provided to people who voluntarily return home is based on their individual circumstances and is determined on a case by case basis."
Both Amnesty International and the United Nations have raised concerns about the refugee determiniation process on Manus Island, where it's reported men too mentaly ill to attend interviews were automicatically given negative refugee status. The Refugee Action Collective's Margaret Sinclair says Mr El Sheikh has resisted two attempts to deport him by committing acts of self harm.
"Last Wednesday Australian Border Force and Papua New Guinea Immigration tried to forcibly deport him to Lebanon. He hurt himself on the plane and he also collapsed on the plane so he had to be removed before the place could take off and he was in the police lock-up. They tried to deport him again and again he resisted. He hit his head against a window and broke it."
The refugee Naji says following the second deportation attempt Mr El Sheikh was assaulted by police.
"I was there when they brought him back to the police lock-up. They were kicking him and pushing him on the ground."
A video of Azzam El Sheikh in a police holding cell has appeared on Youtube in which he sends a message to the Australian Prime Minster Malcolm Turbnbull.
"Small message for Mr Turnbull. As you know sir, I came by boat to Australia in 2013 and I end up on Manus Island. After four years they're just trying to deport us... Before today I'm trying to hurt myself and probably I have broken my chest. As you see we end up in this place here where actually you won't accept it to see any human or else animal in a situation like this."
The Kurdish Journalist and Manus Island detainee Behrouz Boochani reports Mr El Sheikh appeared in court yesterday charged with breaking a window.